Low Key Photography - Photographer Saquarema

The subject is a muay thai teacher and the photos were exploring his profession.

At first, it is worth mentioning that I sought references of poses and framing in low key photos from other photographers.

The location where I took the photos was at the academy in Saquarema, where he works as a teacher. The walls didn't help (painted white but were dirty), so I chose to take all the photos in low key.

It was a challenge, because the photo session was during the day and a lot of light came into the environment.

I looked for the best place to favor the framing, then I looked for the suitable photometry for the low key style of photography.

Low Key

Low key is the photographic style that essentially uses dark tones in its composition, previously studied and planned.

The choice for this style is mainly characterized by the portrayal of feelings such as melancholy, drama or, simply, mystery.

You need to take a lot of care before the image registration starts to be done.

There is no point in taking those dark photos, which were badly captured and which are obviously with an exposure error, and go out saying that they are, in fact, the result of this technique!

Photographing from a low key perspective is a task that requires preparation and does not accept, therefore, any dark photo as a work of such style.

Low key photos are captured with maximum use of dark tones and it is important to note that the parts in lighter tones are, specifically, those that suggest the subject of the photograph and, therefore, are highlighted.

In another moment. I will do a tutorial on how to produce low key photos in environments where it is not possible to have total control of the brightness.


The equipment used outside my Canon camera + 50mm 1.8 lens + 18-55mm lens + Flash support + Silver umbrella with diffuser. Post production in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Anyway, we will meet in the next article on photographic technique.

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